Friday, February 16, 2007


Clear and crisp air,

Fresh water to drink,

Animals are plentiful,

So breath-taking; don't blink.

The roads all clean,

Most relaxing to drive,

Fishing and camping,

Will keep you alive.

The time you are there,

Don't regret what lies all around,

As Taiwan is so different,

But is lacking, I've found.

Being here however,

Has helped me remember,

How much that Canadians have,

Even in cold, cold December.

For it's Canada I love,

Along with all of you,

And when I get back,

To me it will never be blue!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Scott
I'll be around tonight
can you give me your phone number on MSN? I have something important to tell you.
well.. We're up to 3 important.. no wait.. four important things to tell you.
Make that five.
You'd better contact me soon.
(And yes; Misplacing things again).